Disco Bouncy Castles

Luxury Fortnite Childrens Disco Castle

This is our Fortnite fully printed luxury castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Minecraft Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our Minecraft Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Jungle Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our Jungle Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

TikTok Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our TikTok Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Fortnite Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our Fortnite Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Lol Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our Lol Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Disney Princess Childrens Disco Bouncy Castle

This is our Disney Princess Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Spiderman Disco Childrens Bouncy Castle

This is our Spiderman Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Christmas Santa Childrens Disco Bouncy Castle

This is our Christmas Santa Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 11ft width 9.5ft height.

Adult Disco Bouncy Castle

adult disco castle

This is our Adult Disco Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 12ft width 9.9ft height.

Adult Partytime Disco Bouncy Castle with Optional attached Ball Pool

This is our Adult Partytime Bouncy Castle with disco lights and bluetooth speaker.

15ft length x 12ft width 9.5ft height. (Castle without ball pool)