Terms and Agreement

Delivery and Pickup

Hire is for the day we aim to drop off between 8am -11am and pick up between 4pm-6pm please note although we will do our best these are aims and are not guaranteed so if you need something specific please contact us.

Castles required for after 6pm will have to be booked for a overnight hire which has a additonal fee of £30

Nightclubs are dropped off between 4pm and 6pm and are collected next day between 8am and 12pm.

Site Preperation

Please make sure there is easy access to where the inflatable is the be sited removing any obsticles to its route. Also please make sure the sited area has all objects especially sharp ones removed.

Please clear any dog mess where inflatable is to be sited in the event you garden is excessively soiled with dog mess we reserve the right to cancel your hire.

If on collection of inflatable any of our equipment or the the inflatable is soiled with dog mess you will be given the option to sanitise or we will charge you a sanitation fee of £50. If item is heavily soiled with dog mess we reserve the right to charge for a replacement.


We require a 25% booking fee for all bookings to be paid within a week of making booking less than 2 weeks till booking date we will need booking fee paid within two full working days.

The booking fee will be taken off the full price of the cost of your commenced hire it was placed against.

In the event of wishing to cancel a booking all requests must be made over the phone this is so we can confirm the cancellation has been successfull no other contact methods are accepted and all late cancellation fees will be due if this procedure is not followed.

For cancellations we require a min of 24hrs notice from booking date commencing, 24hrs notice or less 100% payment will be required due to prep work that will already have been carried out.

For cancellations 7 days or less before booking date 50% of hire cost is required this is due to you reserving the item from booking and we are not able to replace your booking at this short notice.

Please contact us to arrange payment of booking fee as failure to do so could result in cancellation of your reservation. Before this happens we will give you the opportunity to pay by contacting you by the method you made your booking in the event we have no response we will try any other contact method supplied if unsuccessful in getting a response we reserve the right to offer your booking to another customer willing to pay the booking fee.

The 25% booking fee is non-refundable this covers our admin and the allocation of the item to you.

We reserve the right to waive booking fees at our discretion.

In the event of a booking fee not being paid by a customer this does not cancel booking or give a automatic right of cancellation all cancellations can only be made and authorized by Bouncy Castle Hire Clacton.

Changing hire date can only be authorized by Bouncy Castle Hire Clacton if this is authorized rebooking a new date does not reset cancellation periods and fees these will be carried over from original booking only one rebooking will ever be authorized and a rebooking cannot be cancelled under any circumstances.

In the event that we have to cancel a booking due to adverse weather or any other reason given to you by us any booking fees will be returned.

By booking a hire with us you agree to our terms and condition and cancellation policy if you do not wish to accept these terms please contact us within 24hrs of booking if we do not receive a cancellation request within this time these terms are deemed to be accepted.

Hire Terms

You will be given a copy of hire terms and conditions which includes safety instructions this will need to be signed and accepted before hire commences please read carefully and contact us if there is something you are unsure of or dont understand.

By signing you are agreeing that the inflatable has been delivered fully inflated and in good condition.

Please note all inflatables will be checked before hire and after hire and videos at location are taken to avoid any arguments. Any loss or damage or excessive soiling to the castle will become your sole responsibilty and will be responsible for the costs involved of either cleaning, repairing or replacing. Dont worry we understand and accept general wear and tear through normal usage and this is acceptable but sharp objects not removed from pockets damaging castles would not be classed as general wear and tear.

All castles have a panel on front giving maximum users limits the greater limit being for users under 1m and lower limit for users over 1m unless otherwise stated on castle.

Overloading of castles is one of the main causes of damage in the industry in the case of overloading a castle you will be responsible for any damage caused by this.

By accepting the hire you agree to these terms. If we have a card on file and damage has been caused we reserve the right to charge you card.

All bouncy castle hirers have to abide by the HSE wind limits in the event that these will affect your hire we will contact you as soon as possible please do not ask us to ignore this as they are in place for you and your guests safety.

In the event of prolonged or heavy rain forecast for the day we will contact you and reserve the right to cancel a booking due to health and safety this is also no good for your enjoyment as a customer as you will not get full use of the equipment and unfortunately we cannot offer any discounts because of this.